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An innovative & revolutionary approach designed to rehabilitate, reprogram and strengthen the  core & pelvic floor muscles, with an extra benefit of providing increased sports performance and a slimmer waist line! You will be relieved to know that this is not just a new fad workout.  This is a rather old technique, but it has just recently made it's way to the US.  Currently there are only a handful of us in the states that are certified to teach Hypopressives, Low Pressure Fitness.  So what is it exactly?  Using a series of poses and postural exercises, combined with a rhythmic breathing pattern, you can trigger an automatic response in your deep core muscles.  This pressure-less workout helps to retrain your involuntary muscle fibers, which account for a huge percentage of your core muscle fibers.  These fibers are the ones responsible for supporting your core when you sneeze, laugh, cough and the general overall resting tone of the abdomen. 
Help your body recover from the stress associated with pregnancy and delivery. Hypopressives, Low Pressure Fitness can help you get your body back faster & help fix or prevent several aspects associated with having a beautiful baby.​
Repair Diastasis
Rebuild Your Abdominal Wall
Repair your Pelvic Floor
Improve your Posture
Tone Your Waistline Safely
First, understand that incontinence is VERY COMMON and can happen to anyone. So whether you are currently suffering in silence or would like to simply prevent this from ever happening to you - Hypopressives, Low Pressure Fitness could be your answer!
Hypopressives is an non-invasive method that is  proven to have a positive effect on both prevention & treatment.


Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Prolapse occurs when an organ has decended and is protruding into the vaginal canal.  Unfortunately, until it reaches a late stage, there are often no symptoms or pain.  So someone could be suffering from a POP and be completely unaware.
Hypopressives can be an effective treatment and can help to negate the need for invasive surgeries.
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Prolapse occurs when an organ has descended and is protruding into the vaginal canal.  Unfortunately, until it reaches a late stage, there are often no symptoms or pain.  So someone could be suffering from a POP and be completely unaware.
Hypopressives can be an effective treatment and can help to negate the need for invasive surgeries.
Traditional training puts tremendous strain on our bodies. The constant impact our bodies endure can weaken our pelvic floor. Recently, industry professionals have become aware that traditional core exercises are causing more harm than good - especially to women. Hypopressives can help you train while helping repair & prevent further damage.
Back Pain & Posture
There are a lot of factors that can cause back pain and influence our posture.  Desk jobs, cell phones, old injuries and even gravity.  Hypopressives works the postural chain muscles to help strengthen the muscles while decompressing and elongating the spine.  The result? Improved posture and less back pain!
Sexual Function
Improving sexual function is a great bonus effect that they have found from the years of studying the Hypopressive technique.  Hypopressives builds strength in the pelvic floor muscles which are needed to contract for a strong orgasm.  It also stimulates & increases blood flow to the area, which creates greater sensation & therefore greater sexual pleasure.
Traditional training puts tremendous strain on our bodies. The constant impact our bodies endure can weaken our pelvic floor. Recently, industry professionals have become aware that traditional core exercises are causing more harm than good - especially to women. Hypopressives can help you train while helping repair & prevent further damage.
This is the somewhat vain part - but a beautiful bonus to learning the LPF technique.  The various exercises help to tone the waistline from the inside out, creating a slimmer and flatter waistline.  
(Avg. 8% reduction!)
And PS - there are some Victoria Secret models who used hypopressives to get their bikini bodies back after they had their babies. =)
Core Essence Hypopressives, Owner & Trainer
Stacy Graham, RN, LPF-CT


Even though being trained as a Registered Nurse, I tend to lean towards natural rehabilitation and prevention.  After researching women's health and discovering the alarming number of women suffering in silence from prolapse, incontinence and sexual dysfunction - I set out to find an alternative to help rehabilitate these women without medication or surgery.  I found Hypopressives. I traveled to Canada to train under Trista Zinn, Canadas only Master Trainer and then to New York to train with the developer of Low Pressure Fitness, Hypopressives - Tamara Rial.  I am now bringing what is widely known in Europe back to Oklahoma in an effort to educate and help women of all ages.

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